Sheikh Ebrahim Gabriels

sheikh ebrahim gabriels
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Sheikh Ebrahim Gabriels is a prominent South African Islamic scholar known for his deep spiritual insight, community leadership, and activism, particularly regarding the Palestinian cause. His role with the Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) of South Africa has been a significant part of his life’s work, reflecting his dedication to Islamic teaching, community service, and social justice. He currently serves as Imam of Al-Masjidur Rawbie for over 35 years.

Early Life and Spiritual Influence

Ebrahim Gabriels, born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa, faced the harsh realities of Apartheid, which displaced him and his family from Claremont to the Cape Flats. It was here that Gabriels met his mentor, Imam Ismail Johnstone, who inspired him to study Arabic and Islam. He spent nine years studying in Medina, graduating in 1987 with a degree in Sharia and also holds a BA in Theology.

Dedication to Community and Spiritual Guidance

Shaykh Gabriels is known for his deep spiritual understanding and compassion. He is dedicated to helping his community in Cape Town find peace and fulfillment. His teachings emphasize love, empathy, and self-reflection, guiding his followers towards personal growth and a deeper connection with the divine. He strives to create unity and inclusivity within his community, breaking down barriers and fostering understanding.

Humanitarian Efforts and Education

Gabriels actively participates in humanitarian work in Cape Town, focusing on education and empowerment. He has been involved in various Islamic educational institutions, highlighting the importance of spiritual development in children’s upbringing. He is the president of Darul Arqam Islamic High School in Mitchell’s Plain and has led outreach programs as the President of the Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) of South Africa and the United Ulema Council of South Africa (uucsa).

Passion for the Palestinian Cause

A fervent pro-Palestinian activist, Gabriels educates the community about the Palestinian struggle and has been instrumental in organizing solidarity campaigns. His dedication stems from his own experiences with apartheid. He has led numerous humanitarian missions to Palestine and supports the BDS Campaign, advocating for Palestinian rights globally.

Employment and Leadership Roles

Shaykh Gabriels has served in various prestigious roles, including Imam at multiple mosques and president of both the MJC and uucsa. He has been a trustee of the Al Quds Foundation since its inception and was inaugurated as its national director. Additionally, he has represented South Africa at numerous international conferences and meetings, discussing issues pertinent to Muslims globally. Sheikh Ebrahim Gabriels currently serves as a Trustee on board of the MJC Halaal Trust.

Special Achievements and Recognition

Shaykh Gabriels’ contributions have been widely recognized. He has been an honored guest at the opening of Parliament, participated in moral summits, and regularly meets with the President of South Africa. His efforts have not only made a significant impact on his immediate community but have also resonated with people around the world, inspiring and empowering them to lead more purposeful lives.

Role in the Muslim Judicial Council

Leadership Positions:

  • President of the Muslim Judicial Council: Sheikh Gabriels served as the President of the MJC, a leading religious authority in South Africa. This position allowed him to influence and guide the Muslim community on various religious and social issues.
  • Extensive Outreach: Under his leadership, the MJC conducted extensive outreach programs aimed at providing guidance and support to various communities. This included educational initiatives, social welfare programs, and efforts to address the needs of Muslims in South Africa.

Key Contributions and Work

Community Guidance and Education:

  • Spiritual and Social Guidance: Sheikh Gabriels utilized his position to offer spiritual leadership and counsel, helping to resolve community issues in accordance with Islamic principles.
  • Educational Initiatives: He emphasized the importance of education, particularly Islamic education, to foster a well-informed and devout community. This involved supporting Islamic schools and educational programs.

Advocacy and Social Justice:

  • Promoting Unity: Gabriels worked to promote unity and understanding within the Muslim community and between different faith and cultural groups in South Africa. His leadership role allowed him to be a bridge-builder and a voice for cohesion.
  • Addressing Social Issues: Through the MJC, Sheikh Gabriels addressed various social issues affecting the Muslim community and broader society, including poverty, inequality, and injustice. His work extended to advocating for the rights and fair treatment of Muslims and other marginalized groups in South Africa.

Personal Concerns and Focus:

  • Parental Responsibility: One of his specific concerns was the manner in which parents raise their children. He advocated for greater attention to children’s spiritual development alongside their worldly needs.
  • Direct Community Involvement: Sheikh Gabriels was directly involved in the MJC’s operations and initiatives, ensuring that the council’s work was closely aligned with the needs and aspirations of the community.


In summary, Sheikh Ebrahim Gabriels played a pivotal role in the Muslim Judicial Council of South Africa, where he led with wisdom and compassion. His tenure was marked by significant efforts in community guidance, educational outreach, social justice advocacy, and inter-community harmony. His work with the MJC reflects his broader commitment to the well-being and spiritual health of Muslims in South Africa and beyond.

Sheikh Ebrahim Gabriels YouTube Lecture