Sheikh Abduragmaan Salie

Sheikh Abduragmaan Salie
Table of Contents

Early Years and Mentorship

Raised in Cape Town, Shaikh Abduragmaan Salie devoted many years to studying under the guidance of the esteemed Shaikh Saalih Abadie. It was under Abadie’s mentorship that he memorized the Quran, laying a strong foundation for his future endeavors in teaching and recitation.

Teaching and Recitation

Shaikh Abduragmaan Salie became a well-recognized figure in his community for teaching the Quran and leading Tarawih prayers at the Park Road mosque in Wynberg. His dedication to teaching is evidenced by the significant number of students he has guided, many of whom have become noted Quran memorisers themselves. Among his students is Shaikh Garieth Williams, the 2016 recipient of the Servant of the Holy Qur’aan Award.

Melodious Recitation and Recognition

Renowned for his melodious recitation, Shaikh Abduragmaan Salie has made a lasting impact on Quran enthusiasts in the Cape. His ability to consistently retain the recitation of the Quran has earned him widespread admiration. Shaikh Muntahaa Kenny, the Chairperson of the South African Qur’aan Union, remarked on Shaikh Abduragmaan Salie’s deep connection with the community and his contributions to the world of Quran recitation.

Commitment to Preservation

Shaikh Abduragmaan Salie is uniquely distinguished by his efforts to record the entire Quran, not once but multiple times on both cassette and CD. This notable feat underscores his commitment to the preservation of the Quran and his dedication to making the holy text accessible to all.

In summary, Shaikh Abduragmaan Salie’s contributions to the teaching and recitation of the Quran have been profound and far-reaching, earning him a revered place among his peers and the larger Quranic community.

Sheikh Abduragmaan Salie YouTube Lecture